
Sleep and EMF

Sleep and EMF

Normally I sleep very well indeed. No problems. Deep refreshing sleep. In 2000, I was burgled. It was a DEEP shock. Police said the thugs would likely return when I had replaced items that had been stolen. Marvellous! I lived in a state of nervous apprehension. It...

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Rapeseed Oil… Good or Bad?

Rapeseed Oil… Good or Bad?

Do you use it? Did you know it has been described to us as a ” good oil to use” and is in almost everything? Did you know it is inflammatory and can cause a lot of inflamed bowel issues? If you don't feel as good as you think you should………. Read on……….. Functional...

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Welcome to the Love Anousta Blog

Welcome to the Love Anousta Blog

AN EXCELLENT ARTICLE FROM SMART HOLISTICS   Here in the UK few people can have missed the bright yellow fields each spring of rape in full flower. Or its pungent smell, which seems to mark the beginning of the Hayfever season, although this is a topic for another...

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Acne Rosacea… What Misery is This?

Acne Rosacea… What Misery is This?

Over the years, I have been asked many times to help people, men and women suffering with the misery known as Acne Rosacea, a condition in which certain facial blood vessels enlarge, giving the cheeks and nose a flushed appearance. It is described as a chronic...

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